Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What?! Another freebie already??!

Yes, it's true!  Mark your calendars for the Junior League of Lexington's fourth annual 
Holly Day Market which takes place November 12th-14th in Lexington, KY.

The Holly Day Market features some of the region's top boutiques and vendors, so be sure to come by and check it out if you're in the area!  Admission is $8, but this is where the freebie comes in!  If you would like the chance to win two tickets to this awesome shopping adventure, simply post a comment on this blog or the a La Modish Facebook page on why you love the holidays.  You will be entered for a drawing that will take place Monday, November 1st.  

Of course, a La Modish will be represented at the Holly Day Market with a fine array of children's holiday fashions not available elsewhere.  Unless you pre-order like others have ;)

Happy shopping!

Today's happiness:  Sunday, November14th is kid's day.  Children can have their pics taken with Santa while wearing their holiday jammies.  Joseph-Beth Booksellers will also be at the Holly Day Market for story time that day.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Holiday market sounds so fun! I love the holidays:)